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Главная страница / Вопросы и ответы / Where can I find contacts of transport company?

Where can I find contacts of transport company?

You can find the transfer company's contacts in the voucher, in the booking card in your Intui Personal Account, in the Intui e-mail about the booking.
You can contact the carrier company by the round-the-clock hotline, a representative of the company will answer your questions.


1. The contacts of the transport company in your voucher.

As a rule, a transport company has several channels and methods of communication. WhatsApp, WeChat, Viber and phone numbers, all that the transport company has, will be indicated in the voucher. The opening hours and emergency telephone number are also indicated.

Contacts of the transport company in the voucher

Authors / photo source: All fragments of the site page are made by the authors of the article. The document is the property of Intui travel.


2.Contacts of the transport company in your personal account.

In the personal account of the Intui user / client, in the booking card with description of the order details, the contacts of the transport company are placed to contact with.

Contacts of the transport company in your personal account

Authors / photo source: All fragments of the site page are made by the authors of the article. The document is the property of Intui travel.


3. Contacts of the driver performing the transfer trip by car.

24 hours before the transfer, you will receive an Intui email with the driver's contacts.


Authors / photo source: All fragments of the site page are made by the authors of the article. The document is the property of Intui travel.


#transport company #contacts #phones #communication #contact #call
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1 Пассажиры
ДЕТИ 3-12